Canyonlands Solid Waste Authority
In 1993, the Grand County Council created the Solid Waste Special Service District #1 (District) for the purposes of constructing, maintaining, and operating a sanitary landfill facility for the disposal of solid waste generated by residents and businesses in Grand County, Utah; to operate a recycling program in Grand County, Utah; and otherwise manage solid waste; and to finance the construction, maintenance, and operation of such facilities and programs through charges for solid waste disposal and the levy of taxes on property in Grand County, Utah. Today, the District manages the operations of the Moab Class IVb Landfill, the Klondike Class I Landfill, and the Community Recycle Center.
Community Recycle Center Fee Schedule & Hours of Operation (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-3867
Moab Landfill Fee Schedule & Hours of Operations (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-3867
Moab Transfer Station Fee Schedule & Hours of Operation (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-6314
Trash & Recycling Collection Fee Schedule (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-6314
Single Stream Recycling Collection Calendar (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-6314
Roll-Off Container Services Fee Schedule (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-6314
Klondike Landfill Fee Schedule & Hours of Operation (PDF)
CALL (435) 259-3867
”Our mission is to manage waste in Grand County to ensure public health, safety, and welfare in a manner that promotes zero waste!”
Locations and Operating Hours
Facilities are closed on federal and state holidays. Landfills will close if wind speeds exceed 30 mph (gusty winds).
Solid Waste Special Service District #1 Office
FACE COVERINGS ARE REQUIRED when entering the office to protect the health and welfare of our staff and the public.
Landfills & Recycling Center
1000 Sand Flats Road
Moab, UT 84532
(435) 259-3867
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9am-5pm
Collections, Hauling, & Transfer Station
2295 South Highway 191
Moab, Utah 84532
(435) 259-6314
Monday-Friday: 8am to 4pm
Community Recycle Center (CRC)
1000 East Sand Flats Road
Moab, Utah 84532
(435) 259-3867
Monday-Friday: 8am-5pm
Saturday: 8am-1pm
Sunday & Holidays: Closed
Electronic and Universal Waste Recycling: NOW EVERY SATURDAY!!!
We are excited to accept NEW commodities for universal waste recycling:
- Antifreeze (residential and commercial)
- Mercury Containing Devices (e.g., thermostats, thermometers, mercury switches)
- Elemental Mercury (please contact us in advance)
Moab Landfill
Approx. 1 mile east between Sand Flats Road and Potato Salad Hill Road
(435) 259-3867
Class IVb landfill permitted to take construction/demolition material and yard waste. Tire collection is done at this location and sent offsite for energy recovery and recycling.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Wednesday & Saturday: 9:00am-1:00pm
Sundays & Holidays: Closed
!!!NOW SELLING UNSCREENED MULCH @ $15 per cubic yard!!!
***Scrap steel must be free of other debris and materials. Old lawn mowers and other equipment are accepted as longs as all fluids have been removed/drained. Non-freon containing appliances are accepted as long as they do not contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). Freon-containing appliances are accepted at the Monument Waste Transfer Station.

Moab Transfer Station
2295 South Highway 191
Moab, Utah 84532
(435) 259-6314
Monday-Friday: 8am-4pm
Saturday: 8am-12pm
Sunday & Holidays: Closed
Klondike Landfill
North of the Canyonlands Airport
(435) 259-3867
Class I landfill permitted to take municipal solid waste, restaurant grease, special wastes and biosolids. Closed to the general public.
Open: Monday-Friday | Closed: Weekends & Holidays
March-October: 7:00am-1:00pm | November-February: 8:00am-1:00pm
2021 Holiday Schedule
January 1 | New Year’s Day
January 2 | Post New Year’s Day
January 18 | Martin Luther King Day
February 15 | President’s Day
May 31 | Memorial Day
July 5 | Independence Day (observed)
July 23 | Pioneer Day (observed)
July 24 | Pioneer Day (actual)
September 6 | Labor Day
October 11 | Indigenous Peoples’ Day
November 11 | Veteran’s Day
November 25 | Thanksgiving Day
December 24 | Christmas Day (observed)
December 25 | Christmas Day (actual)
December 31 | New Year’s Day (observed)
January 1, 2022 | New Year’s Day (actual)
Governance and Staffing
The District is a Special Service District within the State of Utah that is governed by a five person Administrative Control Board consisting of representatives from the Grand County Council, Moab City Council, Castle Valley Council, and two At-Large members that live in Grand County. In 2021, the Board will meet on the third Thursday of every month. Until an effective vaccine for COVID-19 is available and widely distributed, meetings will be held online via Zoom Video Communications. The District’s operations are managed by the District Manager with support from an Administrative Assistant, Facilities Supervisor/Foreman, Program Manager, and dedicated operations team.