The 2024 Fall Voucher Cleanup Program has concluded. Please check back in Spring 2025. Thank you to all who participated!

Please note that Canyonlands Solid Waste Authority (CSWA) will no longer be hosting bi-annual Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection events due to increasing disposal costs, historically low participation, and the creation of CSWA’s HHW Collection Program. For Grand and San Juan County residents wishing to safely dispose of HHW, please visit the Canyonlands Transfer Station at 2295 Highway 191, Moab, Utah 84532. For more information on our HHW Collection Program, please visit here. Businesses, commercial entities, and other non-residential generators of hazardous waste can either dispose of their items at the ECDC Environmental Landfill (located in East Carbon, UT) or contact Veolia to arrange a pickup.