Management Plans: Our Mission
Our mission is to manage solid waste throughout our service area to protect public safety, environmental health, and the welfare of our employees by using best management practices and collaborating with other stakeholders to move towards Zero Waste.
From the initial resolution establishing the District, we have grown to include two landfills, managing the community recycle center, and are evaluating the next steps for a composting project on top of the old Moab landfill. In 2008, a waste stream study was conducted and a five year plan was created in 2010 to define the District’s mission and outline the procedures and goals to fulfill that mission.
The 2010 mission statement states that Our mission is to manage waste in Grand County to ensure public health, safety, and welfare in a manner that promotes Zero waste.
The five goals from the 2010 plan are:
- Comply with State and Federal laws and regulations
- Ensure efficient landfill operations to maximize landfill life.
- Encourage the saving of resources by increasing the materials diverted from the waste stream.
- Educate all sectors in the community about the philosophies of reduce, reuse, and recycle.
- Ensure long-term stability and solvency of the District.
2008 Waste Stream Study (PDF)