CRC Sponsorship FAQ’s
Based on the responses that were received from the CRC Sponsorship Survey, both residential and commercial, a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section was developed in an attempt to avoid any potential confusion during the implementation of this program. Below are the most anticipated FAQs with their responses.
Q: What is the Community Recycle Center (CRC) Sponsorship Program and why does the CRC need such a program?
A: The CRC Sponsorship Program is a new program developed by the Solid Waste Special Service District #1 (Solid Waste District) to provide a supplemental source of revenue to the Community Recycle Center (CRC) which, in turn, offsets operational costs and keeps the CRC open and accessible to the residents and businesses of Grand County, Utah. Very few public recycling drop-off sites remain in our region and the Solid Waste District considers the CRC to be a major asset to our community. However, current recycling markets do not provide enough financial returns to cover the cost of the CRC operation, and the CRC has been operating at a net loss for many years. The CRC Sponsorship Program is a program that allows residents, businesses, and other entities to voluntarily register as a financial sponsor of the CRC. Several financial sponsorship tiers are available with a variety of associated benefits.
Q: How long does the sponsorship last and how much does it cost?
A: The CRC Sponsorship lasts for one (1) calendar year following confirmation of registration and fully processed payment. The cost per sponsorship varies and is based on the selected tier. Some tiers are not open to everyone. Be sure to carefully read each tier’s description.
Q: I’m interested. How do I sign up?
A: Wonderful! Once you’ve selected a sponsorship tier, you will need to complete the “CRC Sponsorship Form” available on the Solid Waste District’s website along with submission of payment. All forms of payment are accepted: cash, check, credit card, and commercial charge accounts. The CRC Sponsorship Form and payment can be submitted online or sent through the mail. Sponsors will be notified of their active status once all information and payment has been received.
Q: What about tourists and their impacts? Local residents and businesses shouldn’t have to bear the costs of running a recycling facility.
A: The Solid Waste District is allocated a portion of the Transient Room Tax (known as the TRT) from Grand County on an annual basis, which serves to offset tourism-related impacts to the Solid Waste District’s operations. A portion of the TRT is already applied towards the CRC operations to offset tourist-related recycling generation and associated costs.
Q: I don’t think I’m ready to commit to a year-long sponsorship. What else can I do to help?
A: If you aren’t ready to commit to a year-long sponsorship but would still like to support the CRC and its recycling efforts, there are several ways to do so: (1) You can make a one-time donation to the CRC through the “Donate” button or by cash or check dropped in our secure “Donations” box located at the CRC recycling drop-off area. Checks can also be sent by mail to the Solid Waste Special Service District #1 at P.O. Box 980, Moab, Utah 84532, (2) Encourage friends, family, and business partners to utilize the CRC and consider either donating to or sponsoring the CRC, and (3) write positive reviews for the CRC on Google and the Solid Waste District’s social media pages.
Q: What will my sponsorship be used for and how it is helpful to the local community?
A: The CRC sponsorship program is intended to offset the operational costs of the CRC to ensure that the CRC remains financially viable. Current recycling markets do not provide enough financial returns to cover the cost of the CRC operation, and the CRC has been operating at a net loss for many years. Sponsorships funds will be used to directly support the CRC operations while promoting the growth of the recycling industry in southeastern Utah, expanding local recycling opportunities, and supporting environmental protection at local, regional, and global levels.
Q: What happens to my recyclables after I drop them at the CRC? Do they actually get recycled or are they landfilled?
A: All acceptable recyclable materials received at the CRC are recycled to their fullest extent. All acceptable recyclables received at the CRC are shipped to domestic processors, mostly in the Salt Lake area, and nothing is shipped overseas. The Solid Waste District takes pride in ensuring that all recyclables are processed domestically. A list of acceptable recyclable commodities at the CRC can be downloaded from our website here. Please note the types of contaminants that can hinder the recycling process and recycle only what is listed as acceptable. The recycling industry is very complex, and “wish-cycling” only makes the recycling process more difficult and less profitable. Please visit our recycling webpages for more information on the lifecycle of the CRC’s recyclables.
Q: Why should I put in the effort to separate my recyclables (also known as source-separated recycling)?
A: Separating recyclables by commodity type (commonly known as source-separated recycling) results in the cleanest and most valuable product for recycling processors, maximizes the recyclability of commodities, and reduces overall operational costs. We understand that source-separated recycling requires more effort, is less convenient, and can reduce overall participation rates. However, keep in mind that source-separated recycling results in the highest return on investment from a sustainability and financial perspective. Even though it takes a little more effort, CRC users should take pride in the fact that they are supporting the cleanest method of recycling.
Q: Will this change access to the CRC/will it still be free to use?
A: The CRC Sponsorship Program is completely voluntary and has no effect on accessibility to the CRC. The CRC will continue normal operations with no extra costs to its users.
Q: Why sponsor when I can use the facility for free?
A: As we’ve mentioned before, the CRC Sponsorship Program is voluntary and will remain accessible to everyone. The CRC sponsorship program is a new program that is intended to offset the operational costs of the CRC to ensure that the CRC remains financially viable. Current recycling markets do not provide enough financial returns to cover the cost of the CRC operation, and the CRC has been operating at a net loss for many years. Sponsorships funds will be used to directly support the CRC operations while promoting the growth of the recycling industry in southeastern Utah, expanding local recycling opportunities, and supporting environmental protection at local, regional, and global levels.
Q: Why are residents not reimbursed for their recyclables?
A: The State of Utah has not adopted container deposit legislation, which adds an additional, upfront cost at the purchase point of a consumer item that is returned at container redemption sites after the item has been consumed (e.g., soda bottles). Revenues from the sale of recyclables processed at the CRC do not cover the operational costs of the CRC under current recycling markets, and the CRC has been operating at a net loss for many years. The CRC holds ‘Cash for Cans’ Events as frequently as possible through generous funding of CRC advocates and sponsors.
Q: Will my sponsorship be tax deductible?
A: Given the Solid Waste District’s status as a political subdivision of Grand County in the State of Utah, donations and sponsorship contributions may be considered tax deductible as an itemized charitable deduction made for public purposes. Donations and sponsorships less than $250 require a written disclosure to claim the deduction if you itemize. Donations and sponsorships of $250 and higher require a detailed acknowledgement letter. Please email us at to request a written disclosure or acknowledgement letter to file with your taxes if you itemize.