All it takes is one or a few individuals to destroy the effort of a majority. As an example of this, last Wednesday while the staff was working in the back trying to clean up and catch up on processing recyclables as well as sorting out trash from some of the material, a person or persons came to the closed facility gate which even has two signs stating the center was closed plus a sign with the operating hours in plain sight, proceeded to open the gate, go to the glass recycling bins (recently emptied), put their household trash inside the bin, left the drop off area, closed and then secured the gate behind them. Staff then had to spend additional time to clean up the trash from the glass bin instead of spending the time in processing and cleaning up the center as planned for Wednesday facility closure.
This incident is not only perplexing but frustrating as it brings to mind one of the issues we have been facing at the center, the failure to bring clean, recyclable material that meets the standards shown by pictures in front of the bags and bins. This incident is the most egregious, though, as the material was literally household trash without any attempt to bring clean material that can be used or recycled. Adding insult to injury though is opening a closed gate stating the facility is closed and proceeding to enter a closed facility, in essence purposefully trespassing to dump litter!
This reminds me of a proverbial saying I heard when I was stationed at Fort Riley, Kansas. “For every 10 good deeds, it takes one to wipe them out and puts you 10 in the red.” To the vast majority of our citizens who make every effort to have clean, recyclable material, a big thank you. For those very few who are undermining those efforts, please thank about what you are doing and be courteous.